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Update 2025 / 1 / 1

Jan 1

4 min read




First dice tray pic of the year! Hozzah!!!

Update 2025 / 1 / 1

OMG! It’s a new year! First Blog of the YEEEEAAAAR! And update time!

And I am super excited to announce the first blog stories to be released on the site.

The Horror Comedy I have been talking about forever is called “Zombie Xapper.” That’s Xapper with a zzzeeah-apper! I’m so happy to be sharing this one. The idea for the story came from a video game concept I came up with many, many years ago. Never made the game but the story finally escaped my brain and is now invading the site!

It is about Drill Sergeant Xander Xapper being cursed with an insatiable hunger. A hunger for rotting flesh. And he is cursed right before the zombie apocalypse happens. Yes, instead of the lead running away from zombies that want to eat him, he eats the zombies!

It will be fifteen chapters long and each chapter will be released on Saturdays.

“You need to eat, Xander.”

And on weekends another story will be released, the Gothic Romance I have mentioned in other updates. Well, minus the Gothic because it's more of a Bizarre Romance. I sought to write a straight up romance and ended up with some weird and hilarious twist on first love. It was a guilty pleasure to write this wild story and I hope others find it entertaining.

It is called “Your Dreadfulness Lines With Mine”

It is about Madame Gothia Cordelia Vineharth, retainer and stepsister of Lady Magnolia Staria Loretta Vineharth, and finding true love. Gothia accompanies Lady Vineharth to another prospective suitor’s residence, the Longroper Manor. And Gothia encounters Master Lurkson Bram Dorian Longroper and they both fall madly in love.

Emphasis on madly.

“I am in love, you simple fool, can you not tell?!”

“Dreadfulness” will also be fifteen chapters long and be released on Sundays.

And! On top of these two stories, after they are fully released, they will be followed by a series of “Author’s Afterthoughts” released on their respective days. And I had a lot to say about these crazy stories I have written. The “Afterthought” blogs were so long I had to break them into parts. So look forward to those! I had a blast writing and laughing about them.

Now after that excitement, on a personal news, I am doing a whole lot better than I have throughout December. I have gone on about what happened in past updates, so check those out. But I am pleased to be sitting again and this will make the first blog I am writing NOT at my dresser. It is good to sit again. Never take that for granted, never ever again!

On some other topics of interest . . .

The online literary news magazine, Booktrib, will be posting articles on my co-op book with Zachary Berue, “The Last Job: File 3454.” The first article will be released on January 6. I am super excited that something that I have contributed in creating is going to see some recognition. Zach and I are super stoked that our book will be featured on Booktrib, and we hope our book, and our author’s websites, will find an audience.

I am curious if anyone who has read the Booktrib articles has found their way here? If you have by chance, and are reading this blog, shout out in the comments section. And welcome to my humble website! I hope you enjoy your stay!

Oh, what else to talk about? Hmmm . . .

I have four shorts in the “Misadventures of Randall M. Ceah” series released and I think they are due for an “Author’s Afterthoughts.” I know once I put some time aside and hash out my thoughts on this irreverent and bonkers series. And why did I make it in the first place? That is a perfect start to an “Author’s Afterthoughts.”

And that “Stories” section on the header has been begging for content. At least, I need to do something with it and I have an idea of what to do with it. And I think Randall M Ceah’s Misadventures might be the first installment in the “Stories” section.

I know “Zombie Xapper” and “Your Dreadfulness Lines With Mine” will find their way on the “Stories” section as well.

What else do I have? Well, I watched a lot of one of my favorite things, Anime (YES!), during the month of December and I am compiling a blog that gives my brief thoughts on each series I binged. I figured since I watched so much anime, which was a huge chronophage that consumed a lot of time, I might as well do something with all that viewing.

So that article is being constructed for laughs and will find its way on the site, hopefully soon. All I know is I am taking a break from anime right now. I am catching up with podcasts I follow. The current one I am listening to is “Mystery Shack Lookback” episode 54. Which is a very long look at “The Book of Bill.” And the more I hear about this book, the more it intrigues me.

And I haven’t marathoned “Gravity Falls” in a while. I should do that. I wonder if the Book of Bill will have answers to some unanswered inquiries. Sir Lord Quentin Trembley III just disappeared, what became of him? And what was the organization that tried to keep his existence covered up? Is he secretly a God of Insanity? And is the presidential key Trembly gave away a portal to a dimension of madness? Why is Bill Cipher?

So, that’s a beefy update and the more I ramble on here, the less I ramble on some other project I could be writing. So! Let the new year commence! Hopefully 2025, the halfway point of the 2020s, is not going to be . . . OH! . . . oh, it's going to be like that then, huh? Okay! Well, welcome to my site and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Good Luck. 2024 was a thing, and now 2025 is a thing!


PS: I’m writing this, on 12/31/24, with the drive to write until the new year! Midnight is still a few hours away! Wish me luck!!!


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