I have been super driven this past week, on fire and feeling really awesome.
(puts on cool shades)
My mood and motivation have been at an all time low lately. But for some reason, one late evening on a Monday (11/18), I was finally compelled to write again. And I’ve been writing constantly since. If I can keep this train rolling, that would be super awesome.
The adrenaline of writing again has been a welcomed change of pace. For a while, I’ve just been on Crunchyroll absorbing all kinds of anime into my very being. I almost became The Thing but instead of muscles and bones, I would be an amalgamation of big eyes and super kawaii character models.
This year especially, I have been in one hell of a rut. Long gaps of writing, as I have mentioned before, are just present in my writing journal. Which makes me wonder what has been keeping me from enjoying writing more consistently?
I could over analyze this as much as I want but looking back at the past will not help me tread forward. I, somehow, managed to write 15 chapters of a new writing project in a week. Each chapter was about 2000+ words which means I have a work that is at least 30000+ words total. That is crazy, absolutely insane, roll for sanity check.
Speaking of which, I finally purchased the core rule book of “Call of Cthulhu”, the Tabletop RPG by Chaosium. My copy has been shipped and is on its way now.
Here is a link to the book itself in case you are interested.
Yes, thanks to the influence of Miskatonic University Podcast and taking advantage of Black Friday Sales, I will be the proud owner of a horror RPG core rule book based on my favorite works of weird fiction by HP Lovecraft. And what will the future hold once I get my hands on it?
I have no idea, as of right now, anyway.
I am thinking of getting into CoC. At least having fun reading the RPG books and giving my thoughts on them. There is a series of choose-your-own-adventure scenarios for Call of Cthulhu called “Alone Against the [insert horror here]” that I want to look into those too. Maybe even write about my solo adventures into horror?
More on all of that later.
My main goal for December is to have my romance story proofread at least once and ready to be posted for the blog in the coming months. I’m thinking of posting a chapter each week. And I’m further adding to my workload by having a second story posted every week too.
And I’m hoping to have the two serial stories for the blog ready by the new year. It would be the perfect way to start the year off right. And it gives me a deadline, which is good. Feature creep and procrastination are deadly chronophages.
Luckily, I am more than halfway through my horror comedy story that I was writing for the blog. Getting that done and proofread would give me a second story to post to the blog. And with that, two chapters from two stories every week would add some nice content to the website.
I am typing all of this but I know I’m living off the high of diligently working and finishing a project right now. There is no greater rush than working consistently and finishing a project in a timely manner. I do not know how long this high will last.
And winter is coming, which can sour my mood as the temperatures drop.
But if I can keep my spirits up and keep my motivation train rolling, good things will be coming to the website. If I want this to go anywhere, I have to put in the work. And sitting around staring at anime will not get me anywhere. Unless I make this an anime review blog, which is something I’m totally up for.
I mainly want to stick to reading and writing and all manner of literary activities with this blog. I am high as all hell on endorphins from writing again and I want to keep this going. Being down and lazy just makes me feel like blah. And I’m tired of feeling BLAH!
Good Luck and Don’t be BLAH,
PS: Written on the day and finished about 11:00 am. Keep the train rolling!