So, still healing, now peeling. Still itchy but the burning has stopped. Burns are no joke. Let my experience be a lesson to all out there. Fire is nothing to take lightly.
So, anyway, my days have been blending together so bad that I forgot about making a blog update for wednesday. There really is not much to share, since life has been pretty slow for me as I still recover. But I will share some tidbits of news.
I am excited to report that the Gothic Romance I have been working on is ready for the blog. I have finished the one and only proofread I plan on doing for the story. And it is a bizarre piece to say the least. I have a whole author’s afterthoughts that will share how I feel about the story overall. But the afterthoughts will be shared after the story in full is released.
Now, the question that some are asking would be . . . how spicy does this romance get? And honestly, I have not read any spicy fiction. So I just wrote some stuff that I think gets mildly spicy but I’m sure most readers of spicy fiction will say is pretty tame. And I really do not know what is appropriate reading material for a blog.
Sure, anything the blog poster wants to post is fair game but I’d like to keep the stories relatively PG-13. And I’m not opposed to writing spicy material but I don’t just want to raw dog it here on my blog. I will leave it to the readership to decide what they think. But I think this Weird Gothic Romance is entertaining enough even if I were to remove the spicy content.
Now, I am about to start proofreading the Horror Comedy next. I hope to have the proofreading done for this story before Christmas, which is the next update. I’m actually excited to go over this one because its been a month long back and forth with it and to read it consistently as a whole is going to be interesting.
Once the Horror Comedy proofreading is done, I plan on scheduling the Gothic Romance and Horror Comedy for January and have one chapter of each release weekly. That is the goal for the next two weeks and since I got time on my hands, might as well be productive.
Now, on other news, this past weekend I had a couple of friends come over. We had planned for our tabletop gaming group to meet up at my place a month in advance. I did not cancel it because my injuries were not severe enough where I couldn’t do some RP and roll some dice. But most of our members had other things come up and only two people managed to make it.
Which was okay, any human interaction outside my family was welcoming. We canceled our original game and my two friends joined me in making Call of Cthulhu player characters, which are called investigators. Now, I have the Keeper’s Guide (Game Master’s rulebook), the Investigator’s guide (Player’s rulebook) and the Quick Game Starter Kit with booklets that had small tidbits of the rules.
I used the Keeper’s Guide, one friend used the Investigator’s Guide and one used the Starter Kit.
We spent three hours going over the rules and it was a blast. Each set of rule books had some consistencies but had some different approaches as well. Honestly, CoC seems more of a fun experience the more I get into it. Sadly, it was late by the time we had something written down for characters and had to call it before we could put our characters to the test. But once I heal up and get more motivated, I might make a quick scenario and my gaming group can be introduced to the wonders and horrors of CoC.
Okay, I am all ready to proofread and proofread hard this week. I have about fifteen chapters to go over for the Horror Comedy and an Author’s Afterthoughts to write as I proofread. So, I’m going to end the update blog here and get cracking. Wish me luck 👍!
Good Luck and roll 3d6 for your stats!
PS: Proofread the first three chapters of the Horror Comedy and added more thoughts into the Author’s Afterthoughts for the story. All and all, a very productive day and an awesome start to the week!