So the first update of the website. For archival purposes, I decided to have the date of updates be year / month / day. Honestly, that just makes more sense to me.
And what do I have for this first update of Buck Bloom Books?
. . . I got nothing.
I have written a few things during my free time. But not as much as I would have liked. Like many, I have a day job and personal stuff to tend to. Time is precious when it comes to creative ventures. I say that and I still fall victim to a chronophage.
Lately I’ve been listening to a very interesting podcast called “Miskatonic University Podcast.” And there have been some gems during the hours and hours of listening. This was the same podcast I marathoned through while building this here website.
I am currently listening to episode 153 while typing this. I started at 95, so needless to say I’ve been hooked. I do things while listening to the podcast. A little writing, though any serious writing has to be done with complete silence. I’ve gotten back into Minecraft, after over 15 years and that has been an interesting venture.
I’ve always enjoyed making my own tabletop role playing game mechanics. Most of them fall victim to feature creep and become too much to focus on. Lately, I've been bitten by the TRPG mechanic bug again and have been tinkering with some ideas. All while the Miskatonic University Podcast is playing in the background.
Now, I have yet to play a game of Call of Cthulhu [CoC]. I’ve played Dungeon and Dragons, Shadowrun, a few homebrews and [my personal favorite] Savage Worlds. But I have yet to get into CoC but that has not stopped me from listening to a podcast about it for hours and hours.
Sometimes the MU podcast talks about something off topic but could be used as a theme or scenario in a CoC horror game. And one wild and weird thing they mentioned I could not believe. But sometimes real life drops some chicken nuggets from the sky.
They brought up the Kentucky Meat Shower.
You read that right. The Kentucky Meat Shower. I want you to say that out loud. Doesn’t matter if you are out in public, with family, or whatever. Just say that out loud: Kentucky Meat Shower.
Did you laugh? Awesome, because I sure as hell did when the MU podcast brought this up. And it is a real thing. It really happened, there is a whole wikipedia page on this:
BTW, listening to the MU podcast right now, episode 153 and they are talking about Moonknight and how a series could not be made logistically due to the all white suit. This is how far back I am in the podcast’s line up. Oh, the Moonknight series was cool, the suit was CGI but still awesome and I recommend it but it's one of those series you have to marathon otherwise you might forget some things and get lost later.
Anyway, enough about split personality Egyptian theme superheroes, let's talk about this meat shower. It happened near Bath County, Kentucky. Yes, you read that right. Bathe in those red meat chucks, Bath County. Wow, I’m just chuckling at the thought of chunks of red meat just raining down on a bunch of poor souls.
I’m reminded of this “investigation of miracles” show I saw on CBC that had an episode where all kinds of weird things rained down on a small town. I know money rain and watermelon rain happened but I think fish rain happened too. Can’t really think of the name of the show, it was the one time I saw it years ago. The flying guy from Heroes was the lead, I think . . .
Flying guy is played by Adrian Pasdar, what investigation show was he in, Google, drumroll . . .
Mysterious Ways! That’s what it was. And it was a show on NBC first, apparently. I was thinking it was “Miraculous Ways” but when I type that in I get that odd ladybug superheroes show. Always comes back around to superheroes these days. I wonder if the CBC has any superhero shows?
“Superhero shows on CBC” + [Google] = Kingdom Force? Okay. Moving on.
I remember Red Green on CBC. Freaking hell, that was some funny stuff. Canada-land birthed Ryan Reynolds and other great comedians. Oh, Just For Laughs was the bomb back in the early 2000s. I miss CBC 🙁
Anyway, about that meat shower! There is a museum with some of that meat preserved in a jar, apparently. Imagine what that has to taste like? Some people thought it was from a meteor made of meat, from space.
Now I’m thinking of Mr. Pasdar flying over Kentucky trying to catch cosmic meat falling from the sky. My brain goes to weird places. And I’m not even paying any attention to the podcast now.
This nonsense of an update has gone on for long enough, LOLz! I hope you had a few laughs, I know I did!
Stay safe and watch out for falling cosmic meat,
PS: This was written on 10/22/24. It was a beautiful day, perhaps the last before winter comes. Much walking was had.